Hindu Parenting: Challenges and Solutions

A Strategic Guide on Hindu Parenting

How to introduce the fascinating world of Hindu Scriptures to your Kids

Hindu Parenting

This exhaustive guide on Hindu Parenting can help any parent or grand parent to understand challenges in introducing Hindu Dharma to children.

It also shares proven strategies to Introduce Hinduism to Your Child

In this in-depth guide, you will learn

  • What are the challenges in teaching Hindu Religion?
  • How not to teach Hinduism to your child?
  • The art of Introducing Hinduism to Your Child
  • Amazing facts about Sanatan Dharma
  • Reasons behind Hinduism Beliefs
  • Parenting in Hindu Religion

So if you are ready to go ‘all in’ with Hindu Religion, this guide is for you


Hindu Parenting eye openers

Chapter 1 - Eye Openers for Hindu Parents

  • The Visit to a Hindu Temple
  • Involve Children in Festival Celebrations
  • Teach them Scriptures
  • Tell your child a conspiracy theory
5 challenges in Hindu Parenting

Chapter 2 - 5i Framework of Challenges in Hindu Parenting

  • Ignorant Attitude in Hindu Parenting
  • Illusion of Knowledge among Hindu Parents
  • Inauthentic Content around Hindu Scriptures
  • Indescribable Ideas for children
  • Insecure Behaviour in Parents
creating experiences around Hindu Parenting

Chapter 3 - Crafting Meaningful Experiences for Hindu Kids

  • Ritual Augmentation Mechanisms for Hindu Dharma
  • Stories Pool from Hindu Scriptures
  • Consume the Hindu Philosophy
  • Now Build the Strategy
creating a community around Hindu parenting

Chapter 4 -The Way Forward for Hindu Parents

  • Join a Community
  • Become a Contributor

NOTE – This guide has been written for Hindu Parents. If you are a non-Hindu parent who wants to explore Hinduism [so that you can introduce it to your child in a non religious way], you might have to wait for a while, we are already planning to write a similar guide for you too.

Chapter 1:

Eye Openers for Hindu Parents

While we will share a whole strategy to introduce Hinduism to your child in chapter 3 of this guide titled as ‘Crafting Meaningful Experiences for Hindu Kids

This chapter is to get us on the same page

Here in the first chapter, we will talk about common beliefs that people consider beneficial in teaching Hindu Dharma to young children and why they do not work

Hindu Parenting eye openers

So here is a list of the most common ideas that people tend to recommend for Hindu Parenting, by the way, they don’t work

1 Belief in the Transformative Power of Hindu Temple Visits

Believe it or not, the most common advice that people give to parents is to visit temples to adopt Hindu Parenting

This used to be a very promising way in the past but now things have changed significantly

and it is kind of not working that well as it used to be earlier [except in the case of large ancient temples]

The Internet has challenged the affinity for Hindu Temples

Just 20 years ago, when the internet, and all the spoilers created by it like social media or home delivery apps, were still not game

the opportunity cost to visit a temple for a child was really very low.

Not any more.

Children are flooded with options now,

so when you will ask them to come to a temple, they will nag, they will complain

and It will keep getting tougher to convince them to come to the mandir, as they grow

Even Temples are not the same now

With increasing population density, a lot of new makeshift type small temples have been created lately

and if you visit them

you will not be able to explain the Garbhagriha, Mandapam, Shikhara, Vimana, Pradakshina path, and many more such things because they do not have it

There will be no one who can explain to kids about the deity

Your purpose fail.

[P.S. – Why a lot of people did not get time to explain the wonderful concept called deity to a child . . . . because they do not understand it themselves, have you tried to understand it]

significance of temple visits in Hindu Parenting

Then there are a lot of modern day temples that are large, very large in size

and they are not a place to connect with one deity.

You got a deity malls of sorts here.

Vishnu ji, Shivji, Devi Maa, Hanuman ji, Ganesh ji all will be available at one place

You may just get a peripheral experience here, no possibility to get deep spiritual experiences.

significance of temple visits in Hindu Parenting

Forget ancient wisdom, these temples are mixing up things.

Gods that do not exist even in our shastras [scriptures] have got a permanent seat in these complexes.

Think about Santoshi Maa,

She was created only by a Bollywood movie and now she has got a decent place in a lot of such new age deity malls.

If you really want some output here and if you do not have bandwidth to visit ancient temples like Shakti Peeth or Jyotirling

We suggest you create ways to augment the output from your visits to these deity complexes. [Chapter 3 may help]

significance of temple visits in Hindu Parenting

Now lets move to the second most famous advice

2 Cultural Roots: Involving Children in Hindu Festival Celebrations

This celebrations thing also has changed substantially in the last 20 years.

Let’s talk about Diwali

Our festivals were almost always designed to help us find happiness in small things, The celebrations was about rituals, about stories, about procedures.

But Big Retail Brands have replaced celebrations with shopping.

rituals in Hindu Parenting

And now It is more about buying dresses and jewellery and less about filling tel in Diyas and lighting them.

We did not realised that we have surrendered to things like fairy lights or candles. This whole marketing campaign has taken away the real purpose of these festivals.

This guide is not to lecture you on your buying spree, but if it is the larger part in your overall celebrations, we definitely want to give you a nudge there.

If we fail to tell our children the stories of Narka Chaudas, or about the Govardhan and about the battle of Lord Krishna with Lord Indra,

If we fail to tell them, why they should put a diya each for Yum and Kuber and 10 digpal on Dhanteras

If we fail to sing with them a beautiful bhajan of shri ramchandra ji

Just for this trap of buying spree,

I am afraid, we simply cannot call it a Deepawali celebration

So the question is

Can we stop calling a buying spree a celebration and can we stop teaching the same to our children

Ramayana quiz

Don’t you think that celebrations should consists of activities to engage with our ancient scriptures, symbology and stories of Hindu Dharma


P..S.  Reducing this crazy buying spree on the festival season can reduce the production of an insane amount of hazardous gases you see,

Fire Crackers are part of our celebrations, so we do not need to be apologetic about it, but can we try to reduce consumption that has been forced upon our minds by these clothing jewellery, shoes, gifts brands of the world.

Now lets move to the next most famous advice

3 Timeless Wisdom: Teaching Scriptures to children

Another thing people suggest on Hindu Parenting is to teach them scriptures

This could have been amazing but surprisingly nothing falls more flat than this idea.

I mean, you can do that but only in a controlled environment

For an average parent, it is difficult to teach Scriptures while they themselves do not know how to read Sanskrit

yantra in Hinduism for Kids

And learning a whole language is a long term task.

Most parents try doing that in just a high

and later repent

But it is not a bad idea if you can plan well, ready to work and if you have support.

There are easier options as well. 

No I am not suggesting that just read Gita, you cannot read even Gita without help.

What we instead suggest is to understand the challenges in Hindu Parenting through the first and the second chapters and then in chapter 3 we will talk about solutions

4 Tell them the Truth: Sharing Conspiracy Theories

You see, nobody wants to tell their child a conspiracy theory against their religion or to give them a baton to protect it

Even children are not inclined to listen to all that

But you will still get this as a suggestion by people to teach it to your child.

However, our ancient practices guide us to crave for critical thinking and telling conspiracy theories may reduce it substantially

And will fill in our children with bigotry 

Actually children just want to listen to the stories, play games and have fun. If we try to make it any other way, only one in hundreds will actually fall for it

And that is the main Mantra on Hindu Parenting, which story will tell your child today

kadru and vinata

So in this chapter, we shared that most of the idea suggested for Hindu Parenting sees to be working and to understand what will work

The first thing should be to understand the real challenges

Chapter 2:

Navigating the 5i Framework of Hindu Parenting Challenges

In August 2022, when we started our research on How parents can help their children to learn about the Scriptures, Stories and Symbology of the Hindu Religion,

we identified 5 major challenges that parents face in teaching Hindu Religion and culture to children

We called it the 5i Framework

Most of these challenges cannot be solved without a community

So we decided to share our research in public in the form of guides to help the masses to understand these challenges and their possible solutions. 

Here in this guide on Hinduism for kids, we are sharing the 5i Framework

5 challenges in Hindu Parenting

If you are a parent, you will learn here about the following 5 challenges that parents face in connecting their children with Hindu Religion and Culture.

Let’s check them one by one

1. Addressing Ignorant Attitudes in Hindu Parenting

ignorant attitude in Hindu Parenting


all of a sudden,

one day, your son asks

“Why can’t you allow me to eat meat on Mangalvar (Tuesday), when I can do that on any other day of the week?”

And you wonder, “My god, this generation do not have respect for elders. I never dared to ask such questions to my parents.”

Actually, It is not at all about the generation gap, He is simply giving you an opportunity to convince him to continue believing in your beliefs

and it is his right to ask such question

So, nothing abnormal at his end

If someone needs help here, it is you

What you really need is to ask this question to yourself

and once you have this query on your mind, surf the internet for just 15 minutes to get a basic understanding of

three types of bhojan (food) i.e Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik as stated in our culture

– and the concept of the upvasa

type of foods as per Hinduism

and I bet, you will have a jolly good answer to share it with your son

Do you know why this was difficult to answer at the first place

because you never asked these questions to yourself

You just need to stop ignoring your rituals, scriptures, culture, and traditions

And you will have all the answers

Now do not start blaming yourself,

Most of us are doing that

Why . .

because making the generation gap the scapegoat is much easier

generation gap and Hinduism

If you observe, our religion is not primarily about obeying our parents

It is about questioning

From Devi Parvati, to Yaksha to Arjun everyone is asking questions

If your child is asking question, it does not mean, one is disrespecting you

What you really need is to prove that you can be a Guru or not

Conformity is not a virtue in our culture

This is the land of Shastrartha

We do not respect the likes of Ashtavakra, Gargi or Ubhaya Bharati for being obedient, we respect them for being inquisitive and candid on their questioning.

Ashtavakra - curiosity, critical thinking in hinduism

In our culture curiosity is the virtue and not being complacent.

Our great ancestors must not have discovered things like Yoga, Dhyana [Meditation], Jyotish, Kaamsutra, Tantra, Shalya Chikitsa, and much more with complacency.

ahievement in Hinduism

They did it with curiosity and were able to spread it because our culture supported inquisitive behaviour

But ironically, most of us neither understand the gravity of these works, nor we have a sense of pride in these achievements.

‘Ignorance is not always bliss’.

Be more vigilant.


The first challenge that a parent need to counter is to fight with this ignorant attitude and become inquisitive about the Hindu Wisdom that we want to pass on to our children

Do you think, this can be done by individuals, NO

We need a community to solve this issue before we start talking about Hinduism for Kids

2. Breaking through the Illusion of Knowledge of Dharma

illusion of knowledge in Hindu Parenting

If I ask you the name of the bird who fought Ravan at the time of Sita Haran

You may tell effortlessly, “oh it was Jatayu

But If I ask you, “Who was the mother of Sita?”

Now this is kind of a litmus test

Think of it, I have even got Kunti and Janaki as answers

Someone even said, “There was no mother, she came from the earth”

So I rephrased my question, “As we consider Raja Janak her father, I am essentially asking the name of Raja Janak’s wife”

and you will be able to answer it only If you are really invested in Ramayana

raayana and Hinduism

But most of us are not

We are dependent only on the TV shows or animation movies

and that is why, it will be difficult for you to answer it without external help

Let’s try it one more time, now in a different format

If I ask you to pick a story from ancient Hindu Scriptures,

any story of your choice, to tell it to your child,

which story would you choose?

Mind it,

you should be able to tell the whole story without any external assistance (not even the internet)

Come on

Pick one story

. . . . . I am waiting

Now when you have chosen the story

let me tell you

When we asked the same question to 100 different parents, 59 parents chose a story of one of the following four gods

Lord Krishna, Lord Ganesha, Lord Hanuman, and Lord Rama

Hindu parenting

I wonder

when there are so many Gods and Goddesses,

Sur, Asur, Rishi, Muni,

divine animals like Kamdhenu and Uchheshrava

or birds like Garuda or kakbhushundi,

Raja, Apsara, Gandharva, Kinnar, Valakhilyas, and many more

how come only these 4 gods are dominating the whopping 59%?

The answer was simple

Fetching something from the cache memory is much easier in comparison to retrieve something from the permanent memory.

In recent times animations on Lord Krishna, Lord Ganesha and Lord Hanuman have become very successful.

So they have impacted your cache memory very heavily.

And we do not forget Lord Ram courtesy to Ramanand Sagar ji who made a block buster TV serial on Ramayan

We were also able to recall Ramachandraji a little faster because the news media does not let us put Ram ji out of our cache memory owing to his property which some people always want to keep in dispute.

influence of aniations and TV serial on Hindu Parenting

So you see, most of us know about our gods, scriptures, stories, or symbology only when it has an animated movie or a TV serial associated to it,

what an irony

we acquired an illusion of knowledge without even having sufficient information,

If I try to draw a parallel to the Yaksha Prashna, where he asks

‘What is it that is certain to come to everyone but no one believe that it will happen to the one’ and Yudhishthira replied with the answer ‘Death’

Likewise, we can say, ‘what is it that no Hindu knows but everyone believes that one knows’ and the answer can be ‘Knowing Hindu Scriptures’

Do you think this can be solved by individuals, NO

We need a community to solve this issue before we start talking about Hinduism for Kids

3. Ensuring Authenticity in Hindu Parenting Content

Hinduism for Kids

Inauthentic content is a big challenge in Hindu Parenting related content.

There are 6 kinds of content creators at the internet who are writing, creating, or curating stories from Hindu Scriptures

and you need to understand, which content is good for your kid or for your consumption

1 Growth Creators

Hinduism for bloggers

Whether he is a firang sitting in Australia or a native Indian girl in India itself, a growth blogger essentially does not care about the Hindu Religion or Hindu Cause

For them it is just business 

and that is why there focus is always on numbers and keywords
They want to create or curate more stories, from wherever they can get a hand on so that their blog has more content and discoverability.

They do not care for authenticity or purpose.

Here the Kaliya Daman Story can easily become the Evil Snake Story, and you may not know the name of the snake even after the story.

2. Passionate Hindu Creators

rituals in Hindu Parenting

These people share these stories or information for their own happiness. The growth and business is the byproduct for them for doing, what they love.

They put in hard work to investigate and research the stories in trying to create authentic content.

These are the go to people when you want to share authentic stories with your children, but there are two major drawbacks

a. Most of them are not savvy marketers, so it is very difficult to find them

b. Their personal beliefs heavily influence their content.

[NOTE -We are trying to create a list of 50 such content creators who may help in Hindu Parenting. If you know any Blogger, YouTuber, Podcaster, Book Author in this category, please do write to us with their name, email and weblink and we will include them in the list. Creators can also self nominate]


3. Sect influenced Creators

Hinduism for Kids in sects

When a visionary religious leader appears among people, they get mesmerised by her or his talks and they start following the Dharma as that visionary influencer sees it.

Gradually this influence might convert into a whole sect. There are several sects today within Hindu religion.

All say, go into the prabhusharan

and to learn how to do it the best way, join us

So if you follow a particular sect, you may automatically be following to these creators.

It can be a whole debate on whether it is right or wrong to follow a sect or its creators, but they say Shraddha and Gyan are two different things

and we do not want to challenge one for the sake of other.

Even Uddhav could not win from Gopis


4. Nationalist Creators

This kind of content debunk propaganda against Bharat, our Sanskriti and Hindu Dharma, shares moments of pride, tells real meaning of rituals, showcase real statistics and events

politis and Hinduism

So in a way it is good most of the times

But sometimes this may also lead to bigotry and Politics

We need to remember, Hindu Dharma is all about questioning and not about bigotry at all.

So we should consume this content with an open eye.

and wherever we find bigotry infusion, we should not share that content with children

[Mind it, having pride is not bigotry, having pride is fulfillment. Bigotry is when we consider that only we are right or where we do not allow anyone else to speak about their beliefs or when we demand someone else to believe in our beliefs]

5. The False Narrative Creator

false narratives around Hinduism for Kids

You must have heard words like Fake news, Rhetoric, Propaganda etc

This is all about an art of making fake things look real

And it is so prevalent now on the internet that a whole new skill has emerged to counter these things which is known as ‘Media Literacy’

It is obvious to see that it is not easy from both ends

Be it creating or be it countering

Creating narratives is a high rated skill and not only Sanatan Dharma, every other religion is fighting with these fake narrative creators

Almost always, this is sponsored content created by very high IQ people and that is why such content always have the best quality of story line, music, audio-video effects, video quality etc

These creators do not offend your belief, they rather work on your subconscious in a subtle way, and soon you start questioning your beliefs and gradually you may also go against your beliefs.

So it is very important to identify such content and stay away from it.


6. The Woke Creator

false narratives around Hinduism for Kids

There is another sub category to False Narrative Creators that we may call Woke Creators.

These are people who are influenced by the false creators and firmly believe that Hindu Dharma is bad.

And they have made it their life goal to debunk Hindu Dharma.

These are like FREE labour that False Narrative creators have created to malign Hindu Dharma.

And they are being fed on ideas by the false narrative creators.


Now when you know that various kinds of content is being created, isn’t it important to pick the right stuff for your child

But do you think an average parent has the time and resources to critically check all this content to find the right stuff for their child, NO

Do you not see a great need for a community to solve this issue of Hindu Parenting before we start talking about Hinduism for Kids

Together we can.

4. Exploring the Indescribable Aspects

Hinduism for Kids

A lot of false narrative creators would tell you not to introduce your children to Hindu Dharma by calling it difficult and indescribable [tricky things that are not easy to explain to a child].

So they give you examples like

  • You should not overburden your child by teaching Sanskrit, one of the most difficult language
  • How will you explain your child about the birth of Draupadi out of fire, or Lord Narsingh came out of a pillar and other similar things
  • Then they also ask similar questions to put forward their false claims about rapes and incest and much more about Hindu Gods
  • or they try to push Fake Feminism into Lord Rama and Ma Sita story

Now one of the four things will happen with the reader

    1. The readers will accept their claim without any evidence and will consider Hindu Dharma indescribable and will remove it from their child’s reach [and then the False Narrative creators may teach their child whatever they want through their books and guided program]
    2. The readers with low IQ have accepted their claims but they want to give it a reason, so they go for a research [with a budget of just 15 to 30 minutes] and will consume only selective stuff that supports their message and claims and once this so called research is over, they  will now share only peripheral stuff from Hindu Dharma to their children.
    3. or the third one which is very very rare that the readers really get curious to understand it and realised all that play of narration to create a narrative is happening through translation. So they start reading Samskrita to understand the real meaning and now they know how people are being brainwashed by false propaganda against Hindu Dharma
    4. The last option is to opt the Bhakti way, where the readers will not listen to any negative thing about Hindu Dharma and will become very selective to consume only the content by their chosen sect
But you see, there is a fifth way too.
If you can be a part of an independent Hindu Parenting community that is focused towards explaining Hindu Dharma to children in an easy and fun way.

The difficulty is that it is not available right now and no one alone can build it

Can you help us in building this community  . . .

Welcome aboard.

5. Fostering Security Amidst Parenting Challenges

Hinduism for Kids

Courtesy to the fake narrative creators,

Insecure Behaviour is a pandemic in Hindu Parenting

‘Spiritual but not Religious’ have become a fashion statement for a lot of Hindus today and they are doing it even without understanding it

for a very large number of Hindu parents, teaching Hindu Dharma to their own kids has become a taboo

They believe that if their child will follow any rituals of Hindu Dharma, their friends from other religion might consider it as bigotry

They push their children away from their roots as they feel, it is not safe to practice Hindu Dharma as an expat in some other country

Sometimes they may do such things even in the home country just to please their friends from other religion

Surprisingly these friends have not been reciprocating the same way but that is all fine for these insecure Hindu Parents

The irony is that they are connecting this disconnection from their roots as a way to modernity

What can we really do with this kind of insecure behavior

This is by far, one of the most difficult challenge to manage

one that even a community cannot solve

because learning is voluntary and if you do not want to learn, no one can teach you

Thank you for being so curious and come up to here to learn all about the challenges in teaching Hinduism to kids

and now we will try to understand solutions for those.

Chapter 3:

Crafting Meaningful Experiences for Hindu Kids

When I was a kid,

I would definitely visit Chhatri wala Mandir in my hometown on every Krishna Janmashtami, 

Every year on this day, a small mela [fair] was organised, a lot of jhanki [exhibits] were shown where young children would dress up to play as Krishna ji, Radhaji, Giriraj ji, Damodar ji and many more other deities

But I was just waiting for the Kailash Parvat

It was nothing but a room where the floor was covered with big pieces of Ice

Kailash parvat Hinduism for Kids

It was very slippery in there and there were many volunteers inside to slide you through the Kailash parvat

It was almost always a dazzling experience for my bare feet.

This definitely connected me strong with the idea of janmashtami

Can you share some such experience in the comments

Creating such an experience is challenging

To conquer such challenges that often arise when teaching Hinduism to young minds, you need a strategy

Building a Strategy

Building a strategy means choosing a few options from a large list of choices and then giving them a sequence.

In this world of instant gratification everyone wants their kids to behave well without putting in efforts

People are looking for value-added, cultured kids as a ready made product.

But there are no magic spells here

Only if you are ready to put in efforts, get in a habit of learning and exploring possibilities, this guide may help

To build a strategy, you need to first make a list of options

creating a community around Hindu parenting

The Three Fundamentals

Every religion has 3 fundamentals

  • Rituals
  • Stories
  • and Philosophy

To connect the kids with Hindu Dharma, most parents teach only a few rituals and forget to share even the stories

Very rarely you may find parents who are trying to teach philosophies of Hindu Dharma to their children

How can we improve that

Let’s check them one by one

1 Ritual Augmentation Mechanisms for Hindu Dharma

Upnayan sanskar, or some sorts of Vedik Yajna [sacrifice] or Shraddha for our loved ones who passed away

all above are examples of rituals in Hindu dharma

So, what are rituals and how can we augment them for our children

Let’s try to understand it

When we do some Pooja [worship] at home or at a temple,

we usually wear a tilak, put a mauli on our wrist, perform archana, take aarati and do a lot of other things in a sequence

All such sequence of religious ceremonies are called rituals

1 The Starter Kit [for Hindu Rituals]

The very first thing that we should include in our strategy should be some sort of a starter kit for rituals through which our children can understand the basics

rituals in Hinduism for Kids
  • Do you think, children might like knowing about Ajna Chakra, Urdhva Pundra or Tripundra and all other types of Tilaks
  • Does it makes sense to you to teach them a Mantra of Deep Prajjvalan. Will they like learning the mantra for tying a Mauli on your hand

Don’t you think, they are running away because they are not participating

  • What about teaching them about Hindu Symbols. you may not have observed but there are hundreds of symbols out there in Hindu Dharma.
  • What about Yantras, Have you seen Sri Mahalakshmi Yantra, Can you imagine how it can improve their capability to focus on things

Why don’t you create such a kit for your child. You may also take our help here

2 Why do we need to augment experiences

What we need to understand is that the world has changed

The opportunity cost for children for going to a pooja at the temple has significantly changed

Your daughter will not go to the temple for Sweets anymore because your refrigerator is full of all sorts of chocolates, cakes, sweets, and drinks

Have you explained the importance of Prasadam to her

rituals in Hinduism for Kids

Your son will not go to the temple for that low quality plastic toy from the hawker outside the temple as his cupboard is already filled with LEGO, Pokemon, and other high quality toys

You have to either prove the importance of visiting temple

or you may simply improve experiences

How will you do that

3 Scavenger Hunt at the temple

We cannot make them curious about our rituals by lecturing them, we need to create experiences

How about creating a Scavenger Hunt at the temple

Suppose you are going to your nearby temple,

the one where you are regular

So you already know all the places, pratima, and Murti there

Now if you can create a Scavenger Hunt beforehand and give it to your children when they reach there,

and If you ask them to find out simple symbols like Swastik or Om in it

it will be an experience that they will love

Hinduism for Kids Hunt

If it is a temple of Lord Vishnu and your hunt ask them to find out PANCHAJANYA or KAUMODAKI

or in a Shaiva Mandir, you may ask them to find TRIPUNDRA

Allow them to use the internet or you may even help them yourself to let them understand the meanings

Such things will give them curiosity

It will be a project that they would like to talk about with their friends

They will love it

4 Treasure Hunt at your home

You may also think of developing a Treasure Hunt at home.

You may take inspiration from our product

Finding Ratnas is a Hunt made by Mokshaverse to let your child learn about Ksheer Sagar Manthan Story. This one Hunt at your home can teach them loads of things. You may have a look at it for reference.

5. Create a Trivia Quiz around a Hindu Deity

Hinduism for Kids Trivia Quiz

One thing you have to keep in mind, when you are making a quiz for your child

Do not make it a knowledge quiz

Children may not have enough prior knowledge to answer

In that case they will continue playing the quiz till they can answer and then it will become boring for them.

Ask questions that they can answer and this gives you an opportunity to teach them a thing.

You may learn this concept by having a look at our upcoming product Trishna for Krishna

This is one of our most interesting product. One part of this product has Trivia Question cards. You can use it to develop curiosity in children about Lord Krishna

6. Create an Escape Room on a Hindu Story

Hinduism for Kids Escape Room

A typical Escape Room is a sequence of puzzles that need to be solved by children

It can be a digital or a real world experience that can be created at various difficulty level.

These Escape Rooms can give a heavy dose of critical thinking to your children.

We have created Journey of Dhruva, an Escape Room that is suitable for anyone between 14 to 99.

we are releasing it soon, you may host it now at your place.

If you have more such ideas, please do not hesitate to share them with us in comments. You may also send us an email

2 Immersive Storytelling: Drawing from Hindu Scriptures

While strategically working on Hinduism for Kids, once you have started teaching Rituals, you should support that momentum with a set of authentic stories.

There are 4 ways to do it

  • Follow a Dharmaguru or a Sect – Learning from a sect is fine when you cannot put a lot of efforts but then this word ‘authentic’ becomes a bit tricky here.
  • Learn directly from the Scriptures – If you want authentic content, the only way is to explore the ancient text yourself. Learn Samskrit.
sanskrit in Hinduism for Kids
  • Curate it yourself –

    But Hindu Dharma is not a one book religion. Here you may find Veda, Samhita, Smriti, Itihasa, Purana, and much more, all in Sanskrit

  • Simply join a community – In our opinion, the easiest yet most authentic way would be to join a relevant community

We are building such a community. If you wish to join in, look for options in the neext chapter

3 Philosophical Integration in Hindu Parenting

Now when you have already exposed your child to Hindu rituals, created an authentic stories pool

It is now time to focus on Hindu Philosophy

This is an accumulation of wisdom that Rishis from this land worked upon to make the life of a human being better

Let’s take a couple of examples

There are 8 segments in Ashtanga Yoga

yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi.

Then why only the following 3 are famous

Because of the two buzzword in western philosophy ‘easy’ and ‘fashion’

  • When Yogasana became Yoga [and rest are left]
  • When Pranayam became Breathing Exercise
  • and Dhyana became ‘zen’
yoga and Hinduism for Kids

It all became fashionable

But have you wondered why other 5 not being talked about in the same proportion by the world,

because the rest of the things are hard core things of ancient Indic philosophy

Without passing through Pratyahar and Dharana, you cannot reach Dhyana

But the fashionable world did not have the patience to go through Yam, Niyam, Sainyam

Following the fashion is easy and trendy, so the west influenced world easily accepted Meditation because it is jazzy

But we, the people of this land, have a long memory

we can naturally understand it better and we may go the non-fashinable way.


Let me give you another example

Yantras are our ancient powerful technique for increasing focus

If only, you try to understand the philosophy of Yantra, Mantra and Tantra, you may experience another way to a spiritual journey

yantra in Hinduism for Kids

else it may simply appear like black magic

It was such powerful philosophy that the practitioners made it forbidden to teach it to the general public 

After Yoga and Meditation,, now Tantra is becoming famous in the west

but for the wrong reasons

If you are from the west, you may understand what they have made out of Tantra, you are right, they call it Tantrik s-x, despite this is fake, it is easy and fashionable

people are accepting it for the while, but it will not help you in long run

We recommend you to understand the philosophy behind ancient Hindu Practices to live a better life

4 Strategic Parenting: Building a Comprehensive Approach

Now you know a lot of stuff, have multiple ideas, so you are free to make a strategy

But there is a easier way

You may either build a community

. . . . or join an existing one


Chapter 4:

Paving The Way Forward in Hindu Parenting

creating a community around Hindu parenting

Here you are

Now you know the major challenges

and you also know about the possible solutions,

and you need to pick the way ahead from here


1 Community Connection: Joining Other Hindu Parents

We recommend you to join a community to create a conducive environment for children to explore Hindu Dharma

2 Contributing to Change: Becoming an Active Participant

At Mokshaverse, we are building this community that not help your child to explore Hindu Dharma, it also help our child to develop the futuristic skills

and we hope to get your support in this cause

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This way you can help us in this cause to create and nurture a Hindu Parenting Community.

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