Authors Community

Volunteer to Write Stories

Stories are very powerful.

Not only, these are good way for value education and to connect your children with your roots, they are also very helpful in giving futuristic skills like creative thinking and visualisation.

That is why we wanted to create an authors community, a pool of talented people like you who may write stories for this project.

Who writes stories for us - Our Authors Community

Here are a few people who are contributing to this project and many more are joining.

Rajasmita from Moksha Authors Community

Rajasmita Barua

Krishna Stories

Solvil from Moksha Authors Community

Sovil Kadoo

Ganesha Stories

moksha author nitya

Nitya Krishnamurthy

Hanuman Stories

anupam from Moksha Authors Community

Anupam Kaushik

Samudra Manthan Stories

The Story Writing Project

We realised that there is a huge need for an authentic story pool from ancient Hindu Scriptures that is written in grouped manner to cover a whole large story.

For example, a child may read or listen to the story of Kadru and Vinata or Rambha, the wife of Nalkuber, or may be of Mohini Avatar and they may not realise that all these stories and many more such stories are all part of the larger sequence Samudra Manthan

So writing stories in a group may give you a larger picture.

So we started building Moksha Authors Community, people who care to connect children and adults with authentic stories related to Hindu Gods as a story pack.

We want volunteers for the same. You are welcome to join.

What will a volunteer get

There is no monetary benefit for this

However, if you are selected to write for us, you will get

  • an author status on our website – yes, you will become an integral part of our Moksha Authors Community that we are building.
  • A link to your website/social media profile
  • Presence on our website – Your name or picture or both, will be present at Story Pack Page, Author Page, Author Community Page, and at each Story Blog and it will remain here till your write up remain on the website. 
  • Our community may help in improving your writing skills [more attuned to storytelling, SEO etc]

So the very first place where your name will be present on our website is at the Story Pack Collection Page

Then an Author Page will be created where all your stories will be presented at one single place. Here your Name, Image, details and one link [to a url of your choice] will be published.

Not only that,your name will also be present in every story that you share through an author box that will be present in the last of the post. The Author Box will look like the following

And of course, your name and image will also be present at the author community page in the following manner

If you are still reading, there is a strong chance that you will get your name and images at various different places on our website.

What is expected from a volunteer

A volunteer needs to write at least one story pack that should have at least 10 stories all related to one topic only. This is expected to be a one-time investment of 8-20 hours.

You may have a look at the Samudra Manthan Story Pack for your reference

Through this volunteer opportunity to write short stories for children, we plan to create a pool of scripture-based stories that can be based on

  • Puranas
  • Ramayana
  • Or Mahabharata

We are not looking for Jataka Tales or Panchatantra, or any motivational stuff in this pool. Here, we are simply trying to make an authentic story collection based on ancient Hindu scriptures.

If you do not have the valid reference for the stories from the ancient texts, it means that story will not get a place in this pool

More Details

Let’s say, you chose ‘Life of Krishna’ as your story pack

Now many stories may be considered under the ‘Life of Krishna’ story pack 

For example, you may write 

– the story of Shankhasur,

– or maybe you want to write about his fight with Chanur and Mushtik and of course with Kuvalayapida

– you may also like to write about Krishna’s marriage with any one of the Ashtabharya


all these stories will be considered under this one pack and you see there can be 50, 70, or 100 stories in this pack, a contributor has to write at least 10 

Some examples of possible story packs can be

  • Mahishasura Mardini Maa Durga
  • Baal kanda
  • Sapta Rishi
  • Kurukshetra yudha
  • Bhagwan Vishnu Stories

How to apply

If you are interested in contributing to this project, we will request you to write one piece [approx 300 to 500 words] of a story and share it with us through along with your Name, Phone Number and Profile link.

We hope you understand that this is a volunteering opportunity and will not have any monetary benefits.

There can be more benefits but we may not disclose them right now. We want people to join us for the cause and not for the benefits

To make sure, that you do not write a story that is reserved with someone else, please take a prior suggestion from us for the title