Mokshaverse Satsang - a sanatan community
When we observed the challenges of parents in introducing the deep concepts of Sanatan Dharma to their children to enable them to live a peaceful and happy life, we realised, we cannot do it alone. So we have started building an invite-only Sanatan Community for the parents, children and grandparents.
The structure of the community
This Sanatan Community is designed for the whole family that means parents, children and grandparents, all are welcome. But this is an invite only thing, you may apply to join us in any one of the following 4 segments
Tell people about this Sanatan community
Support is a low hanging fruit. Anyone can do at least this. You may talk about us, you may connect us with right people or you may buy our programs.

Talk about us
Share our content, talk to people about our content, or our initiatives. You may also talk about our community

Connect us with people
One of the big help can be to introduce us with the right people in businesses, organisations and politics.

Give us Platforms
If you are hosting some sort of large event and can help us present our idea with the public, this can be a help.
Build Content for the Sanatan community
Here our community members can help us write stories, Create videos or workshops etc. The answer to ‘How to tech Hinduism’ starts with augmenting experiences for families.

We have started building Moksha Authors Community and several contributers are already writing story packs for us

Create Free Worksheets
Search HINDU on the internet and you find anti Hindu propaganda, we are looking for people who may create or curate content

Make Short Videos
We invite you if you may deliver any Webinars, Workshops, or Programs that help people learn about Hindu Gods
Host a local circle of the Sanatan Community
At this level, we want our community members to come up with ideas that may help parents to create the next level sanatan experience for their children. The answer to ‘How to tech Hinduism’ starts with augmenting experiences for families.

Host a Satsang Party
Augment the experience of your guests at your satsang party [Sundar Kand, katha, or Keertan] by using our ideas

Host a Moksha Goshthi
Can you help us in organising online events to host a discussion on challenges in connecting with roots

Host a Moksha Festival
We want our members to organise a physical event for parents and children at one of your near by temple.
Build with us
Build a Product for the Community
At Create level one was expected to create content, mostly Free stuff, however, here at Build level, this is an enterprising opportunity, where you may develop products for our store.

Products for our store
Will share details

Courses and Workshop
Will share details

Digital Media Content
Will share details