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Anjani and Kesari: The blessed parents of ‘Anjaneya’

Anjaneya, the son of Anjani and Kesari, did extraordinary things, but how did all this start?

The Curse

Punjikasthala, known to be the most beautiful of all apsaras, was taking a walk in the jungle. She was humming a song and swaying her beautiful body to the tune.

She stopped by when she saw a rishi sitting in the shade of a tree, busy in prayer and meditation.

Rishi Durvasa

Punjikasthala was mischievous. Right from creating the sounds from her anklets and bangles, she did everything that she could, to disturb and chide the rishi.

The rishi opened his eyes and saw the apsara giggling. He was furious and he cursed Punjikasthala, to be born as a vaanar (monkey).

On hearing this, the apsara cried and apologized, realizing her mistake. The rishi took mercy and said, “I cannot withdraw the curse completely. However, you may return to your original form of a beautiful woman, after you bear an extraordinary child, who will make you proud.” Thus begins the birth story of Anjaneya.

A Blessing for Anjani and Kesari

Punjikasthala took birth in the Vaanar community as ‘Anjani’ and she was wedded to Vaanar Raj Kesari in Kishkindha.

There are many stories related to the birth of Anjaneya.

One that talks about a kite that was flying away with the divine ‘payasam’ and Vayu, the God of Air and Winds, carried this Anjani, who was worshipping him to get a mighty son as a blessing. Because Vayudev brought this payasam to her, he considered Anjaneya as his own son.

Anjaneya pavanputra hanuman

Another story tells that Anjani and Kesari worshipped Shiva and prayed for a child. Pleased by their devotion, Shiva decided to bless them.

There is one more story where Shiva’s blessing on a leaf was carried by Vyudev and given to Anjani. Thus, Anjani’s child would be born out of an ansh of Shiva! This sacred blessing brought joy to Anjani and Kesari. They eagerly awaited the birth of their child. The child would be the one who would redeem Anjani from Rishi Durvasa’s curse.

Anjaneya arrives:

A few months later Anjani gave birth to an adorable healthy male vaanar, on the full moon day of the Hindu month Chaitra. The entire kingdom rejoiced at the arrival of the new member. Everyone waited to meet “Kesari Nandan” (son of Kesari). The child looked as radiant as the sun, while his wide beautiful eyes twinkled with mischief. His cherubic smile lit up the place, as his proud parents named him “Anjaneya”, the Anjani – suta (son). Vayu blessed the little child and said, “He is my son too. He shall also be known as ‘Vayuputra”. I bless him with strength, courage, and speed like the wind. Hence he shall fondly be called ‘Maruti’.”

Kesari’s and Anjani’s joys knew no bounds! Together they joined their hands in gratitude, as Lord Vayu blessed them.

Baby Maruti smiled at Vayu. He wiggled his muscular hands and legs in excitement, ready for the great adventures and expeditions that awaited him.

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