Krishna tied to mortar
Krishna was tied to a mortar after which he was named “Damodar”. The name Damodar is a combination of two Sanskrit words: “Dama” meaning a rope and “udara” meaning belly. The name simply means “One who is bound by rope around the belly”.

Let’s read what makes Krishna Damodar
Long ago in Gokul, there lived a little boy named Krishna. He was the naughtiest kid in the whole Gokul, but everyone loved him a lot. Kamsa the evil uncle of Krishna tried to kill him several times, but failed.
One fine day, seeing that her house help busy with some other work, mother Yashoda decided to churn the butter herself. While she churned butter, she sang melodies of beautiful pastimes of her son Krishna. Soon Krishna came up to mother Yashoda, as he was hungry. He wanted mother Yashoda to stop churning butter and feed him first.

Mother Yashoda took Krishna in her lap and started feeding him. While he was sucking the milk, mother Yashoda enjoyed the beauty of Krishna. Suddenly, the milk which was on stove started to boil. Seeing that mother Yashoda quickly put Krishna down and went to stove. Krishna did not like being left like that by his mother. He became red with anger. He picked up a stone and aimed at the pot of butter. The pot broke at once, he quickly took butter out of it. With tears in his eyes, he began to eat butter in his secret place.
Krishna and his pranks
When mother Yashoda returned to the churning place. She saw the broken pot and knew at once that Krishna had broken the pot to have butter. She found it funny and beautiful. When she looked around, Krishna was nowhere to be found. Mother Yashoda thought “Oh Krishna! My Lalla is so clever. He does not fear the punishment anymore”.

When she went looking for her son, she found Krishna sitting on a big Okhali which was kept upside down. Krishna was taking butter from the hanging pot and was feeding it to the monkeys.
Mother Yashoda to get hold of Krishna quietly approached him from behind. But Krishna had already seen her coming with a stick in her hand. He quickly got down and ran as fast as possible so that mother Yashoda could not get him. After all the chasing finally mother Yashoda got hold of her son, Krishna. Fearful of mother Yashoda, Krishna was about to cry. Seeing this Yashoda threw away the stick and tried to bind his hands with rope instead. It was impossible for her to tie Krishna’s hands.
When Krishna was tied to the big Mortar
Soon she came up with the idea of tying Krishna to the huge mortar with a rope around his belly. But while tying him she realised that the rope was short, so she gathered some more rope and finally tired Krishna to the big Okhali (Mortar). After tying up Krishna , mother Yashoda left to complete her household work. Krishna could never stay still, so a naughty idea came in his mind. Krishna started moving around with the big Okhali.
While moving around, the big Okhali got stuck between the twin trees. When Krishna pulled the Okhali with great strength, the trees fell down with great sound.

Demi God Nalkuvera and Manigriva who were the son of Kubera were released from their curse. Nalkuvera and Manigriva offered their prayers to little Krishna, thanking him for releasing them from the curse and asked for their leave.