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Ganesh – birth story and why is he Parvati’s personal Gan

Ganesh birth story

We have heard about it and we are amazed by it. But, how about we take a step back to explore the event that led to his birth – Lord Ganesh birth story. 

Devi Parvati lived in Kailash and had her own quarters. She had two best friends – Jaya and Vijaya whom she adored and they were intelligent and faithful. Once they shared an observation with Ma Parvati, “Devi it is peculiar that you do not have any personal Gan (gang or clan).” Parvati was amused and said, “all the Shivgans Nandi, Bhringi, Chand, Kalamukh, Tandi, Baa and others, are there to serve me when needed; then why do I need one of my own?”.

Nandi summoned to guard Parvati's palace

Parvati and her embarrassment

Days passed by and Parvati forgot about this. One day, she was preparing to take a bath and decided to summon Nandi to guard her door. She instructed Nandi to not let anyone inside without her permission. Then, Shivji arrived and demanded to enter. Nandi could not stop him and let him inside. Nandi disobeyed Ma Parvati’s orders over Shivji’s because he couldn’t say “no” more to his Lord. It was quite embarrassing for both Shivji and Parvati. Shivji left without saying anything. Just then Parvati remembered, “Jaya and Vijaya were right, although there are so many Gans on Kailash, but they are Shivgans. And are always going to follow Shivji’s orders above mine.

Parvati’s Personal Gan – Ganesh birth story

Devi Parvati immediately scraped the dirt off of her pious body and created a human. This young boy glowed and Ma Parvati donned him with powers, clothing and said, “Dear son, you have originated from my heart and are the dearest. I will call you Ganesh, my child.

Ganesh birth story - the private Gan of Devi Parvati

The boy joined his hands, touched Parvati’s feet and said, “Ma, I am yours and only yours. I will abide by your orders and only yours. Tell me Ma, what can I do for you?

Devi Parvati proudly asked her dear son to guard the door to her quarters and never ever let anyone in without her permission, “Take this stick and you have my blessings darling.

From that day onwards Devi Parvati had her own, her dearest and the most loved Gan – Ganesh.

What followed is another astonishing and dramatic sequence of events, but that is for next time.

Do check out the next post for part 2. Read more Ganesh short stories here

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