As per Hindu traditions, sight of the moon on the fourth day of bright half of the sixth month is inauspicious. However, people worship Ganesh and Chandra together. That if done on the second day of the waning phase of the month, is considered auspicious. Following is the story behind this, as per Ganesh Puran.
Mahasabha of Gods
It was sometime in some Yuga (a period of time) that the group of Gods and Demigods were in a meeting to discuss important matters regarding creation of universe. Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati were also present. In addition, Kartikeya and Ganesh, like other kids, were busy playing nearby.
Just then Shiva realized that it had been a long time and these kids must be hungry. Sage Narad aka Rishi Narad had given a magical fruit to Lord shiva, which he wished to give to his children. But, Lord Shiva was unable to decide as to who deserved this fruit as he had only one piece. Parvati was also not able to decide either, as the kids didn’t want to have halves but the fruit as a whole. Shiva then turned to Brahma. and he said, “Ideally, the one who is the eldest should get the fruit”. So, Shiva gave the fruit to Kartikeya.

Interaction between Ganesh and Chandra
Ganesh got furious. But, he was angrier with Brahmaji, as his advice led to this situation.
The meeting concluded and Brahmaji set off to his home. As he was about to initiate creation of the universe, Ganesh arrived there to create trouble. Ganesh was so furious, that he intended to scare Brahmaji with his angry look. He succeeded – Brahmaji shivered.

Chandra and some of his Gans (friends – the ones who are always around him) were witnessing this. They all started laughing, which angered Ganesh even more.
Ganesh’s curses Chandra
He cursed Chardra, “The way you are making fun of my appearance, your appearance would also not be viewable. If anyone sees you, then that person would have committed a sin as well.” After saying this, Ganesh vanished and left Chandra astonished at his misdeed.

Chandra faded, his glow vanished and he was hardly visible to others now. He started regretting his actions and went to seek God Indra’s help. But, knowing about the curse, none wanted to look directly at Chandra. Chandra said, “Respected God Indra and Devgans, I understand you already know about my curse. But, if I don’t regain my original state, the entire world will have to pay the price of my sin. Please help me reverse this.”
Devraj Indra suggested meeting Lord Brahma. Ganesh’s anger had initiated with Brahmaji and the effects trickled over Chandra.
Brahmaji advised, “Keep Chandra in the front and start praying to Lord Ganesh. For he is the only one who can forgive and share a solution in this regard.”
Boon for Chandra
Lord Ganesh appeared and Chandra fell at his feet. Ganesh calmed down looking at Chandra’s remorse. He said, “Dear Chandra, I cannot reverse the curse. It has already been delivered out of my mouth and will not be refuted now. That means, your appearance will have sin associated with it. But, it will be restricted to once a year only – Bhadrapad’s Shuklapaksh Chaturthi (forth day of bright half of sixth month – waxing of moon).”
Chandra was thankful and wanted to ensure that this mistake doesn’t get repeated. So, he performed a strict penance for twelve years – chanting “Gan” monosyllabic mantra.
Lord Ganesh appeared, blessed Chandra and asked for his wish. Chandra asked for forgiveness over an unintended mistake committed years back. Lord Ganesh said, “Son, I had already reduced your curse to a single day of the year. In addition, please note that because of your strict penance, you have earned a place on my head. Also, you will regain your original glow and charm. People will be blessed to worship you and it will make me happy too.”

Chandra took a sigh of relief and went on to perform his duties.
Read more Ganesh short stories here